J.P. Morgan Autographed Railroad Bond 1886


John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan (1837-1913) was one of the most powerful financiers and business magnates of his era. The Gilded Age titan was a primary financier of U.S. railroads and he also followed his wealthy father into the barking business. The firm he founded in 1871 with Philadelphia banker Anthony Drexel was later reorganized as J.P. Morgan & Company. a predecessor of JPMorgan Chase. In 1892. Morgan facilitated the merger of two of the largest electric power companies — Edison General Electric. Thomas Edison's company and the Thomson-Houston Electric Company — to create the modem day General Electric.
In 1901. he created the world's first talon-dollar corporation by buying out industrialist Andrew Carnegie and combining more than a dozen companies to create U.S. Steel. Morgan also used his influence and business acumen to stabilize the American financial markets and saved the nation from several economic disasters. including the Financial Panic of 1907.
Morgan's signature appears on the back of the bond. Morgan has hand signed his name “J Pierpontmorgan” with his middle and last name combined. just as it appears on this bond. as a trustee of New Jersey Junction Railroad Company.
The signature below Morgan's is HCFahnestock. also connected in character letters. Harris C. Fahnestock (1835-1914) was also a trustee with New Jersey Junction Railroad. and a New York investment banker, a senior officer of First National Bank of New York. The scenery displayed by these signatures is the Hudson River, which is said to have represented the railroad's many transportation interests.
The signatures on the front of the bond are Geo. (George) S. Jones and Josiah H. Reed. Both signed as president. A history of J.P. Morgan along with a photograph are included. The bond and enclosure will arrive in a clear. acid-free envelope. Originality guaranteed with a Certificate of Authenticity from The Caren Archive. a leafing source of significant historic printed matter.

Product Description

John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan (1837-1913) was one of the most powerful financiers and business magnates of his era. The Gilded Age titan was a primary financier of U.S. railroads and he also followed his wealthy father into the barking business. The firm he founded in 1871 with Philadelphia banker Anthony Drexel was later reorganized as J.P. Morgan & Company. a predecessor of JPMorgan Chase. In 1892. Morgan facilitated the merger of two of the largest electric power companies — Edison General Electric. Thomas Edison’s company and the Thomson-Houston Electric Company — to create the modem day General Electric.
In 1901. he created the world’s first talon-dollar corporation by buying out industrialist Andrew Carnegie and combining more than a dozen companies to create U.S. Steel. Morgan also used his influence and business acumen to stabilize the American financial markets and saved the nation from several economic disasters. including the Financial Panic of 1907.
Morgan’s signature appears on the back of the bond. Morgan has hand signed his name “J Pierpontmorgan” with his middle and last name combined. just as it appears on this bond. as a trustee of New Jersey Junction Railroad Company.
The signature below Morgan’s is HCFahnestock. also connected in character letters. Harris C. Fahnestock (1835-1914) was also a trustee with New Jersey Junction Railroad. and a New York investment banker, a senior officer of First National Bank of New York. The scenery displayed by these signatures is the Hudson River, which is said to have represented the railroad’s many transportation interests.
The signatures on the front of the bond are Geo. (George) S. Jones and Josiah H. Reed. Both signed as president. A history of J.P. Morgan along with a photograph are included. The bond and enclosure will arrive in a clear. acid-free envelope. Originality guaranteed with a Certificate of Authenticity from The Caren Archive. a leafing source of significant historic printed matter.


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